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  • What happens when headlice are present?
    Lice need to be on the head to survive. They live of the blood from a person’s scalp. Laying eggs on the hair shaft. They can cause an irritation to the scalp and make it feel very itchy. The tenderness of the scalp from the scratching can lead to irritated sores which may appear as small bumps and sometimes the skin can break leading to infection. Headlice like warm areas and can tend to be behind the ears, on the crown and the nape of the neck area.
  • Can I use The Liceorator if I am pregnant?
    If you are pregnant or expecting to get pregnant it is recommended not to use the over 5’s option. If you need to treat your childs hair you can, just wear gloves. The Liceorator sensitive range under 5s option and specifically for pregnant woman, which comes in a pink box to decipher the difference.
  • Do I need a second treatment?
    The short answer is yes, 7 days after the first treatment follow up on retreating the hair even if the scratching has stopped or you cannot see any live adult lice. Just to assure the headlice cycle has been completely terminated.
  • What do headlice hate the most?
    Tea Tree, Neem and Lavender
  • How long can lice live on bedding without a host?
    Just like with mattresses, lice can only live on any bedding—whether it's sheets, pillows, or comforters—for 1-2 days. Without a human scalp as a source for food (blood) for longer than 1-2 days, lice cannot survive.
  • So how do head lice move around?
    Head lice crawl very fast and require head to head contact for transmission. It is possible that because of the way young children play, head lice are seen more widely amongst primary school children than adolescents or adults.
  • Why do you have to treat again in seven days time?
    Head lice eggs take six to seven days to hatch. And when you treat, it’s easy to miss an egg. By treating again in seven days, you are aiming to kill and comb out any head lice that have since hatched from eggs, which may have been missed.
  • Why can I still see some headlice moving during the treatment process?
    Do not be alarmed if you see some of the headlice are still slightly moving. Headlice are extremely hardy creatures. The Liceorator is still doing the job as it blocks the airways of the headlice and stumps the ability for the lice to morph into adult stage. It is still doing the job of terminating the headlice cycle.

Community Support

Liceorator proudly supports their local Townsville community. We are happy to help with sporting communities, Foster Carers, School Communities, Before and after school care.

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Where you can buy The Liceorator


Townsville QLD -

Healthline Pharmacy

Belrowes News & Mini Mart

Skinny's Super Deli


Adelaide South Australia

Go Vita Munno Para



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